A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.
- john wooden
What is Coach Leadership?
Coach Leadership is:
- Grow the Coach – Athlete relationship
- Understand the coaching context
- Develop the coaches’ knowledge & learning
- Appreciate the coaches’ characteristics
- Know Athletes’ characteristics
- Evolve the skills to maintain interpersonal relationships
My Coach Leadership Style
Price: US$199
- Appreciate your coaching leadership style
- Key tools of leadership.
- Understand who you are as a coach
- how to adjust your leadership delivery
My Coach Leadership Elasticity
Price: US$199
- Appreciate your coaching leadership elasticity
- Reflect on your leadership delivery in real scenarios.
- Understand the CALM Matrix
My Athlete's Leadership Maturity
Price: US$199
- Appreciate your athlete leadership needs.
- Reflect on your leadership delivery to your athletes.
- Discuss how to apply your leadership across the CALM Matrix continuum with athletes.
- Increase your awareness of athlete wellness considerations.