"A process of interpersonal influence that is dependent upon the relationship between coach and athletes, and is used to facilitate the athlete outcomes of competence, confidence, connection and character”
- Vella, Oates & Crowe 2010
CALM – Coach Athlete Leadership Management program can help you develop that coach leadership.
The program uses content proved from world leading sports coaches and supported by the latest in Sports Leadership Research.
CALM Level 1 - Understanding your Leadership Capability
Introduction Leadership Philosophy
- Importance of having a Coaching Philosophy
- Philosophies from the world’s leading coaches
Effective Communication
- What is Effective Communication
- How does it differ at different levels and situations
Building Team Culture
- Importance of Team Culture in Team Success
- Examples of Successful Team Cultures from the World’s Leading Coaches
Leadership Capability
- Discover your Leadership style
- Understand the different Leadership Styles
CALM level 2 - Building Coach Leadership with your Players
Understand Coaching Flexibility
- Know how your leadership interacts in your environment
- Understand how to shape your approach to your players
Athlete Learning Styles
- Understand How Your Players Learn
- Understand how to shape your approach to accommodate different players
Influence of Coach Behaviour
- Understand how you behave affects your player behaviour
- Review latest Coach/Player Communication Research
Player Decision Making
- Develop an environment for them to lead
- Empower Your Players’ Decision Making
CALM level 3 - Developing your Coach Leadership
My Coach Leadership Style
- Appreciate your coaching leadership style
- Key tools of leadership
- Understand who you are as a coach
- how to adjust your leadership delivery
My Coach Leadership Elasticity
- Appreciate your coaching leadership elasticity
- Reflect on your leadership delivery in real scenarios.
- Understand the CALM Matrix
My Athlete's Leadership Maturity
- Appreciate your athlete leadership needs.
- Reflect on your leadership delivery to your athletes.
- Discuss how to apply your leadership across the CALM Matrix continuum with athletes.
- Increase your awareness of athlete wellness considerations.
I have begun diving deep into leadership and culture (in coaching and teaching as well), and the more people who get their eyes and mind open to getting better and working on relationships the better. The improvement for me was in the technology realm.
RenaldoClub coach, USA
Lots of golden nuggets in there. All of the coaches (on the course) crying out for this sort of thing. There's a hell of a lot of coaches here in Australia that could do this type of learning, believe me.
AndySchool coach, Australia
I think for me the “Big Value” was being able to share and hear thoughts with other coaches.
KingyClub coach, Netherlands